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Skyline Animal Hospital

pet Internal medicine

Learn more about Skyline Animal Hospital‘s pet internal medicine service below.

internam medicine

skyline animal hospital internal medicine

We provide various treatments and management for your pet.

Pet internal medicine is a branch of veterinary medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the pet’s internal organs. Common pet internal medicine problems include gastrointestinal issues, kidney disease, heart disease, and hormonal imbalances. Comprehensive blood work is often used to diagnose pet internal medicine problems, and xrays and ultrasounds may also be used to obtain a more detailed look at the pet’s internal organs. Treatment for pet internal medicine problems may include medication, surgery, or a change in diet, specifics will be discussed with our veterinary staff. Pain management is also an important part of pet internal medicine, as many of the diseases that fall under this umbrella can cause significant pain and discomfort.